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Cash For A Cause Fundraiser

Raised: $300
Goal: $500
Cash For A Cause Fundraiser

Raised: $300
Goal: $500


Please support our work by making a secure 100% tax deductible donation now.
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Please consider donating to the King PTO this year.

Our PTO collects annual donations and uses those funds to support our students, teachers, and community. Where does the money go?

  • 50% of the money collected goes directly to our teachers to cover the cost of any materials or supplies they may need for their classrooms. Which means you never need to struggle to find every item from a school supply list!

  • We help fund field trips so our kiddos can have meaningful experiences outside of the classroom.

  • We fund multiple teacher appreciation events throughout the year to show our King teachers and staff how much we value them.

  • We host fun, community gatherings like Bagel Fridays, Harvest Moon Festival, Ice Cream Social, and the Silent Auction.

  • We also lend support to our King Learning Garden, the Academic Games, and the Science Olympiad.

Currently, we are at less than 50% of our goal for this school year, so we are hoping you will consider donating today! To help us achieve our goals, we recommend a $50-75 per child donation, but any amount is appreciated.

Thank you for your consideration.